**Title**: Re;Lord ~Herford no Majo to Nuigurumi~
**Original title**: Re;Lord ~ヘルフォルトの魔女とぬいぐるみ~
**Length**: Short (2 - 10 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2014-06-27, English Version 2018-03-09
**Developer**: Escu:de
**Publishers**: Sekai Project & Denpasoft
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
In a world where swords and magic exist, the demon realm faced an unprecedented danger. Three ‘witches of disaster’ appeared and invaded a territory of the demon country of Saarland. Lacking skills due to the recent peaceful times and recognizing the witches’ overwhelming powers (including the ability to change the form of others), they surrendered the territory of Groesen to them. A half year later, the majority of the townspeople in Groesen had been turned into dolls. Wilfred decided to take back the land from the witches, and he possessed the only ability to defeat them.
1. No need to install.
2. If you can't run the game install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package.

Does not work!
I get the following error message when launching the game.
[Window Title]
C:\Users\****\Downloads\Re;Lord 1 The witch of Hertfort and stuffed animals\relord.exe
C:\Users\*****\Downloads\Re;Lord 1 The witch of Hertfort and stuffed animals\relord.exe
The application has failed to start because the side by side configuration is incorrect please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
Works fine here.
Even thought it's English licensed change your system locale to japan, also move the game folder to another disk(e.g E:/).
Thank for the torrent elmo.
I havbe the same issue
What did you install/update exactly?
Because I ran windows update and installed shitload of updates and I still have this bug =/
Thank you!! It now works.
Fuckin Microsoft bullshit.
I had the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, 2012, 2015 and 2017 both 32 and 64bits but I still needed the 2008 to make it work >_<
@Superelmo can i suggest a erogame? I want to send u an email of what erogame it is but, i dont know how to. Since i cant send u a email ill just put my suggestion here. The game i want is Seinarukana (18+).
For me... I'm Windows 10... if i only install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package.. it doesn't work... until i install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 for each version like 9.0.21022, 9.0.30729.17, 9.0.30729.4148, 9.0.30729.6161 both x64 and x86... then restart pc... the game will work... hope useful..
Comments - 8
superelmo (uploader)