[RPG] [当方丸宝堂] セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】 / [touhou-marupon-dou] -SACRED-

2017-11-23 18:21 UTC
No information.
File size:
402.6 MiB
Info hash:
[center]**[RPG] [当方丸宝堂] セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】 / [touhou-marupon-dou] -SACRED-** [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/11/23/5a1711231282c.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-5a17112312863.html) **Information:** **Title / タイトル:** セイナルモノヘ【ドットアニメ】 / -SACRED- **Brand / ブランド:** 当方丸宝堂 / touhou-marupon-dou **Release / 販売日:** 2014/05/24 **File size / ファイル容量:** 402MB [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/11/23/5a17112da98e7.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-5a17112da991d.html) [![](http://dimtus.com/upload/small/2017/11/23/5a1711343cb9e.jpg)](http://dimtus.com/img-5a1711343cbd6.html) [![](http://damimage.com/upload/small/2017/11/23/5a17113b6d845.jpg)](http://damimage.com/img-5a17113b6d87c.html) "And now, into the depths---" -SACRED- (Japanese title: Seinaru mono e) ("Into a holy thing") A Deep, Dark Interspecies Action Platformer SYNOPSIS Deep in the holy forest, near the fountain of purity, there lived a race of females---the Elves. Blessed with eternal life, the Elves were unsullied by the outside world. Ages came and went, and they were content to pass them under shroud of darkness. ---Until it was discovered that in the darkness, they were at the center of a maze. A hellish maze surrounded on all sides by hordes of monsters--- The sidescrolling indie game by Touhou Marupan Dou is here! -SACRED- puts you in control of a purple-haired heroine with a direct bloodline to the Priestess. Explore the maze! Slay hellbeasts or have sex with them -- assault scenes are included as both pixel sprite animations & classic CG illustrations. * Traverse the maze world * Discover power-up items * Unlock and complete Gallery & Prisoner Mode content Only with the ultimate power can you discover the prison cell... How did the Elves get trapped in this maze? What are these horrific monster? Why does the heroine wield this power of the Priestess? [spoiler=作品内容]”そして、遥かなる深遠へ――” ■探索型異種姦ACT ”セイナルモノヘ”■ 聖なる森の奥深く、無垢なる泉のほとりに住まう妖精の一族――エルフの一族。 永遠に等しき不老の命を持ち、穢れを知らず、人と魔物の争いとも関わることなく ただ静かに永劫の時を費やす彼女たちを闇が覆う。 ――気が付いた時、彼らは昏き迷宮にいた。無数の魔物が潜む、地獄の迷宮に―― ◆本格横スクロールACT、登場! 不老不死のエルフの一族の中で、唯一有限の命に縛られる代償として 害敵を撃ち祓う力を持った”巫女の血族”。その当代を操作し迷宮を探索しよう! このゲームは広大な迷宮を探索し、各地で手に入れた能力を用いて 先に進む探索型ACTゲームです。 膨大なドットスプライトによるアニメーションにより、探索はもちろん、 敗北時の凌辱アニメーションも完備! 通常のCGイラストも用意されています。 ◆探索によるやりこみ要素 各所にはパワーアップアイテムが眠っているほか、迷宮にとらわれたエルフたちがいます。 彼女を解放すると、この迷宮の謎を解くためのヒントとともに、CGイラスト解放用のパスワードを 聞くことができます。探索で得た能力を駆使して、隠された彼女たちを解放しよう! また、万が一パスワードを忘れてしまってもゲームクリア時にいつでも閲覧できる パスワード一覧が解放されるので安心! ◆各種ギャラリーモード搭載 迷宮内には牢獄の入り口が隠されています。 牢獄を発見することで、 ・拡縮、モーション変更、服の有無 を選べるギャラリーモード ・各モンスターのいる牢屋で延々犯され続けるプリズナーモード が解放されます。 ※牢獄を見つけるには終盤に手に入る能力が必要です。 エルフたちは何故迷宮に囚われたのか? 魔物とは、なんなのか? 何故、巫女は戦う力を持つのか? すべては遥かなる深遠の―― ◆ご注意  ・ご購入前に必ず体験版(予定)での動作確認をお願いします。  ・バグ修正等でファイルを差し替える可能性がありますので、ご購入の際は会員登録を推奨します。  ・攻略、探索アイテムなどの場所についてなどのお問い合わせについては基本的に承りませんのでご了承ください。[/spoiler][/center]

File list

  • [RPG] [touhou-marupon-dou] -SACRED-
    • CGフォルダ
      • CG01.zip (1.4 MiB)
      • CG02.zip (2.0 MiB)
      • CG03.zip (2.0 MiB)
      • CG04.zip (1.4 MiB)
      • CG05.zip (2.0 MiB)
      • CG06.zip (3.5 MiB)
      • CG07.zip (1.8 MiB)
      • CG08.zip (2.2 MiB)
      • CG09.zip (1.4 MiB)
      • CG10.zip (1.6 MiB)
      • CG11.zip (1.4 MiB)
      • CG12.zip (1.5 MiB)
      • CG13.zip (2.2 MiB)
      • CG14.zip (1.4 MiB)
      • CG15.zip (1.5 MiB)
      • CG16.zip (2.2 MiB)
      • CG17.zip (1.5 MiB)
      • CG18.zip (1.6 MiB)
      • CG19.zip (2.8 MiB)
      • CG20.zip (2.1 MiB)
      • CG21.zip (1.5 MiB)
      • CG22.zip (2.9 MiB)
      • CG23.zip (1.2 MiB)
      • CG24.zip (2.3 MiB)
      • CG25.zip (3.7 MiB)
      • CG26.zip (2.1 MiB)
      • CG27.zip (998.4 KiB)
      • CG28.zip (1.3 MiB)
      • CG29.zip (2.1 MiB)
      • CGフォルダ・使い方.txt (296 Bytes)
    • bgm
        • こおろぎ
          • ぁあ_暁光よ。我ゆく道の先まで.ogg (2.4 MiB)
          • 暗黒竜の咆哮.ogg (1.4 MiB)
          • 月夜に浮かぶ天守閣.ogg (2.0 MiB)
          • 歪む視界.ogg (2.0 MiB)
          • 破壊の化身.ogg (1.7 MiB)
          • 綺羅の望月.ogg (2.2 MiB)
          • 製作者名.txt (243 Bytes)
        • 稿屋隆
          • Myths.ogg (2.5 MiB)
          • overwhelm-夜明けの進軍-.ogg (1.6 MiB)
          • 作曲者名.txt (218 Bytes)
          • 殺陣ドグマ.ogg (6.1 MiB)
        • 使用楽曲.txt (1.4 KiB)
      • MusMus
        • st007.ogg (22.1 KiB)
        • st008.ogg (56.6 KiB)
        • st009.ogg (58.4 KiB)
        • st021.ogg (103.2 KiB)
        • tw039.ogg (7.5 MiB)
        • 使用楽曲.txt (2.2 KiB)
        • Crescent Knights.ogg (3.0 MiB)
        • another_dimension.ogg (2.6 MiB)
        • last_story.ogg (4.9 MiB)
        • lost_universe.ogg (4.0 MiB)
        • open.ogg (1.3 MiB)
        • soul_ful_lover.ogg (3.2 MiB)
        • 使用楽曲.txt (787 Bytes)
        • 月色地平線.ogg (2.5 MiB)
        • 空の詩sora.ogg (3.4 MiB)
        • 退魔の神降臨God_visit_of_corruption.ogg (3.8 MiB)
      • ザ・マッチメイカァズ
        • water05.ogg (0 Bytes)
        • 製作者.txt (1.7 KiB)
      • 魔王魂
        • bgm_maoudamashii_healing06.ogg (1.7 MiB)
        • bgm_maoudamashii_orchestra11.ogg (7.6 MiB)
        • 使用楽曲.txt (1.5 KiB)
    • bmp
      • back
        • Back_Decayed Shrine01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Decayed Shrine02.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Decayed Shrine03.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Decayed Shrine04.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Gulf side of Void.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Gulf side of VoidBoss.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Nauseatly Field00.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Nauseatly Field01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Nauseatly Field02.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Nauseatly FieldBOSS00.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_OP01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_OP02.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_OP03.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_OP04.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Shining Trapezohedron00.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Shining Trapezohedron01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Shining Trapezohedron03.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Shining Trapezohedron04.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Shining Trapezohedron05.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Unknown from Unknown_000.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Unknown from Unknown_0000.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Unknown from Unknown_001.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Unknown from Unknown_002.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Back_Wind.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • Back_Wind1.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • Back_Wind2.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • Badend.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Blue.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Brack.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Castle.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Chess.bmp (321.1 KiB)
        • Credit00.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit000.bmp (5.5 MiB)
        • Final_Boss_BackA_000.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_BackA_001.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_BackA_002.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_BackA_003.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave0.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave08.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave1.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave2.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave3.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave4.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave5.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave6.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_Wave7.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA0.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA1.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA2.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA3.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA4.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA5.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA6.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Back_WaveA7.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Green.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • LastBoss_rape_back.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Magenta.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Puzzle.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Rainbow.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Red.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Space.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Space2.bmp (801.1 KiB)
        • Tr_Puzzle.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Tr_Rain.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Tr_Snow.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Underwater.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Violet.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • Yellow.bmp (301.1 KiB)
        • omake.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • ラスボス背景案01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • ラスボス背景案02.bmp (900.1 KiB)
      • chara_sp
        • 1Boss.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • 2Boss.bmp (2.8 MiB)
        • BigEye.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • Counter.bmp (1.9 MiB)
        • Counter_parts.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • ELF.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • Enemy01_009.bmp (193.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss02_Arms.bmp (2.3 MiB)
        • Final_Boss02_Body.bmp (2.3 MiB)
        • Final_Boss02_Parts.bmp (384.1 KiB)
        • Final_Boss_Body.bmp (2.3 MiB)
        • Final_Boss_Halo.bmp (2.3 MiB)
        • Final_Boss_Nail.bmp (2.3 MiB)
        • LastBoss_rape.bmp (768.1 KiB)
        • Lilith.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • Monster.bmp (960.1 KiB)
        • Monster1Boss.bmp (384.1 KiB)
        • Monster2.bmp (1.5 MiB)
        • MonsterB.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • MonsterB2.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • MonsterC.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • MonsterD.bmp (912.1 KiB)
        • MonsterE.bmp (720.1 KiB)
        • MonsterE2.bmp (1.3 MiB)
        • MonsterZako.bmp (384.1 KiB)
        • Naked.bmp (480.1 KiB)
        • Player01.bmp (33.1 KiB)
        • QLV3.bmp (1.1 MiB)
        • QLV5.bmp (1.6 MiB)
        • Strike.bmp (576.1 KiB)
        • player.bmp (720.1 KiB)
      • convert
      • effect
        • 1_Black.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Blue.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Green.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Magenta.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Rainbow.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Red.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Violet.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 1_Yellow.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Black.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Blue.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Green.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Magenta.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Rainbow.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Red.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Violet.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • 2_Yellow.bmp (4.1 KiB)
        • Binde_Red.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • Binde_White.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • Blood.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • Blood02.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • ChargeEffect01.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • ChargeEffect02.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • EnemyVanish.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • ExMark.bmp (12.1 KiB)
        • ShotEffect01.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • ShotEffect01R.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • ShotEffect02.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • ShotHit.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • SwordCharge01.bmp (46.1 KiB)
        • SwordCharge02.bmp (135.1 KiB)
        • SwordHit.bmp (135.1 KiB)
      • hbt
        • hbt00.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt01.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt02.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt03.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt04.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt05.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt06.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt07.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt08.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt09.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt10.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt11.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt12.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt13.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt14.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt15.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt16.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt17.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt18.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt19.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt20.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt21.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt22.dat (64.0 KiB)
        • hbt23.dat (64.0 KiB)
      • picture
        • GameOver
          • 1BossGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • AbylaGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • BadEnd.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • BaskervilleGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • BloodJuiceGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • CyclopsGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • DarknessGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • DragwaverGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • Eleves.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • GameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • GuzzleGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • HorraGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • HugeRoachGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • KrakenGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • LamiaGameOver03.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • LastBossGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • LilithGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • MargotGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • OrcGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • PalmstarGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • QLv3GameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • QLv5GameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • QLv4GameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • SwallowGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • TaursGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • TerrorierGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • ThorncageGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • TrollGameOver0103.bmp (900.1 KiB)
          • VictimGameOver.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • BlackOut.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • Congratulations.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • Credit00.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit000.bmp (5.5 MiB)
        • Credit01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit02.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit03.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit04.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit045.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit05.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit06.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Credit07.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • GameClear.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • GameOver01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • GameOver14.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • GoodEnd.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • HP.bmp (1.6 KiB)
        • HP_back.bmp (72.1 KiB)
        • Lilith_graphic.bmp (227.0 KiB)
        • Talk01.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk01.png (2.2 KiB)
        • Talk02.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk03.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk04.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk05.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk06.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk07.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk08.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • Talk09.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • TrueEnd.bmp (900.1 KiB)
        • WhiteOut.bmp (9.1 KiB)
        • WorldBack.bmp (2.1 MiB)
      • plt
        • Palette.bmp (1.4 KiB)
        • Palette2.bmp (1.4 KiB)
      • sword
        • ChargeSword.bmp (192.1 KiB)
        • ChargeSwordR.bmp (192.1 KiB)
        • Sword.bmp (3.3 KiB)
        • Sword2.bmp (1.9 KiB)
        • Sword2_r.bmp (1.9 KiB)
        • SwordKrakenL.bmp (27.1 KiB)
        • SwordKrakenR.bmp (27.1 KiB)
        • Sword_r.bmp (3.3 KiB)
        • Taurus.bmp (240.1 KiB)
        • TaurusR.bmp (240.1 KiB)
        • TentacleSwordLeft.bmp (18.1 KiB)
        • TentacleSwordRight.bmp (18.1 KiB)
        • sword02.bmp (65.1 KiB)
        • sword02r.bmp (192.1 KiB)
        • swordS.bmp (192.1 KiB)
        • swordSR.bmp (192.1 KiB)
        • swordSS.bmp (192.1 KiB)
        • swordSSR.bmp (192.1 KiB)
      • 未使用
        • Accessory.bmp (28.3 KiB)
      • Accessory.bmp (81.8 KiB)
      • Block.bmp (360.1 KiB)
      • Character1.bmp (720.1 KiB)
      • Character2.bmp (720.1 KiB)
      • Character3.bmp (720.1 KiB)
      • Character4.bmp (241.1 KiB)
      • Character5.bmp (81.1 KiB)
      • Character6.bmp (2.1 KiB)
      • Character7.bmp (2.1 KiB)
      • Character8.bmp (2.1 KiB)
      • Debug.bmp (38.6 KiB)
      • GameMode.bmp (210.1 KiB)
      • Item.bmp (720.1 KiB)
      • Item_Mini.bmp (180.1 KiB)
      • Mark.bmp (121.1 KiB)
      • Shot.bmp (180.1 KiB)
      • StatusWindow.bmp (13.6 KiB)
      • Symbol.bmp (7.6 KiB)
      • Title.bmp (900.1 KiB)
      • Window.bmp (301.1 KiB)
      • Word.bmp (61.1 KiB)
      • WorldBack.bmp (2.1 MiB)
      • WorldEvent.bmp (42.1 KiB)
      • WorldMapChip.bmp (11.1 KiB)
    • data
      • database
        • Anime.dat (22.1 KiB)
        • AnimeSet.dat (49.3 KiB)
        • Bgm.dat (1.9 KiB)
        • Bmp_CharaExc.dat (2.0 KiB)
        • CharaEffect.dat (1.7 KiB)
        • Effect.dat (2.7 KiB)
        • Picture.dat (3.8 KiB)
        • ScrEffect.dat (857 Bytes)
        • Sound.dat (6.5 KiB)
        • SwordType.dat (1.9 KiB)
      • plt4
      • stg4
        • BADED
          • BadEnd-1.stg4_774 (51.2 KiB)
          • BadEnd-2.stg4_774 (66.8 KiB)
          • BadEnd-3.stg4_774 (65.4 KiB)
        • Dark Prison
          • Dark Prison1-1.stg4_774 (1.5 MiB)
          • Dark Prison1A-2.stg4_774 (88.7 KiB)
          • Dark Prison1AB-3.stg4_774 (579.4 KiB)
          • Dark Prison1B-2.stg4_774 (88.1 KiB)
          • Dark Prison1C-2.stg4_774 (208.1 KiB)
          • Dark Prison2-1.stg4_774 (270.2 KiB)
          • Dark Prison2-2.stg4_774 (324.1 KiB)
          • Dark Prison2A-2.stg4_774 (76.8 KiB)
          • Dark Prison2B-2.stg4_774 (150.9 KiB)
          • Dark Prison3-1.stg4_774 (582.6 KiB)
          • Dark Prison3A-2.stg4_774 (81.3 KiB)
          • Dark Prison3B-2.stg4_774 (85.6 KiB)
          • Dark Prison4-1.stg4_774 (580.7 KiB)
          • Dark Prison4-2.stg4_774 (563.2 KiB)
          • Dark Prison4A-2.stg4_774 (91.6 KiB)
          • Dark Prison5-1.stg4_774 (773.4 KiB)
          • Dark Prison6-1.stg4_774 (498.9 KiB)
          • Dark Prison6A-2.stg4_774 (642.5 KiB)
          • Dark Prison6B-2.stg4_774 (696.8 KiB)
          • Dark Prison7-1.stg4_774 (171.5 KiB)
          • Dark PrisonBoss-1.stg4_774 (300.2 KiB)
          • Dark PrisonBoss-2.stg4_774 (1.1 MiB)
          • Dark PrisonBoss-3.stg4_774 (426.7 KiB)
          • Dark PrisonBossRape-1.stg4_774 (67.4 KiB)
        • Decayed Shrine
          • Decayed Shrine1-1.stg4_774 (826.7 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine2-1.stg4_774 (221.4 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine2-2.stg4_774 (322.6 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine2-3.stg4_774 (145.6 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine3-1.stg4_774 (217.5 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine3-2.stg4_774 (1.1 MiB)
          • Decayed Shrine3-3.stg4_774 (140.3 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine4-1.stg4_774 (969.1 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine4A-1.stg4_774 (231.7 KiB)
          • Decayed Shrine4B-1.stg4_774 (270.9 KiB)
          • Decayed ShrineBoss-1.stg4_774 (111.2 KiB)
          • Decayed ShrineBoss-2.stg4_774 (687.1 KiB)
          • Decayed ShrineBossRape.stg4_774 (48.3 KiB)
        • Event
          • Gulf side of Void01-1OP.stg4_774 (229.7 KiB)
          • OP1-1.stg4_774 (52.9 KiB)
          • OP2-1.stg4_774 (195.0 KiB)
        • Gallery
          • Gallery21Boss-1.stg4_774 (138.0 KiB)
          • Gallery2Abyra-1.stg4_774 (116.3 KiB)
          • Gallery2Bloodjuice-1.stg4_774 (116.8 KiB)
          • Gallery2Choice-1.stg4_774 (190.8 KiB)
          • Gallery2Craken-1.stg4_774 (119.7 KiB)
          • Gallery2Cycropse-1.stg4_774 (120.8 KiB)
          • Gallery2Darknes-1.stg4_774 (108.0 KiB)
          • Gallery2Dog-1.stg4_774 (98.1 KiB)
          • Gallery2Gate-1.stg4_774 (57.6 KiB)
          • Gallery2Guzzle-1.stg4_774 (123.7 KiB)
          • Gallery2Horra-1.stg4_774 (108.5 KiB)
          • Gallery2Hugeroach-1.stg4_774 (116.2 KiB)
          • Gallery2Lamia-1.stg4_774 (112.4 KiB)
          • Gallery2Lilith-1.stg4_774 (67.3 KiB)
          • Gallery2Orc-1.stg4_774 (122.3 KiB)
          • Gallery2Palmstar1.stg4_774 (118.6 KiB)
          • Gallery2QLv3-1.stg4_774 (122.1 KiB)
          • Gallery2QLv4-1.stg4_774 (66.4 KiB)
          • Gallery2QLv5-1.stg4_774 (98.9 KiB)
          • Gallery2Swallow-1.stg4_774 (114.6 KiB)
          • Gallery2Taurs-1.stg4_774 (122.0 KiB)
          • Gallery2Templete.stg4_774 (80.9 KiB)
          • Gallery2Terroria-1.stg4_774 (126.6 KiB)
          • Gallery2Thorncage-1.stg4_774 (119.3 KiB)
          • Gallery2Trol-1.stg4_774 (66.1 KiB)
          • Gallery2Victim-1.stg4_774 (119.2 KiB)
        • Gallery2
          • Gallery1Boss-1.stg4_774 (94.4 KiB)
          • GalleryAbyra-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryBJ-1.stg4_774 (95.9 KiB)
          • GalleryChoice-1.stg4_774 (102.9 KiB)
          • GalleryCraken-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryCycropse-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryDarkness-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryDog-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryDragWaver-1.stg4_774 (86.1 KiB)
          • GalleryGuzzle-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryHorra-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryHugeroach-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryLamia-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryLilith-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryMargot-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryNaked-1.stg4_774 (83.1 KiB)
          • GalleryOrc-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryPalmstar-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryQLv3-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryQLv4-1.stg4_774 (85.8 KiB)
          • GalleryQLv5-1.stg4_774 (98.6 KiB)
          • GallerySwallow-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryTaurs-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryTemplete-1.stg4_774 (50.6 KiB)
          • GalleryTeroria-1.stg4_774 (95.8 KiB)
          • GalleryThorncage-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
          • GalleryTrol-1.stg4_774 (93.2 KiB)
          • GalleryVitim-1.stg4_774 (95.7 KiB)
        • GoodEnd
          • GoodEnd01-1.stg4_774 (102.4 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-10.stg4_774 (50.6 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-11.stg4_774 (86.2 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-12.stg4_774 (33.3 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-2.stg4_774 (119.1 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-3.stg4_774 (206.5 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-4.stg4_774 (100.9 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-5.stg4_774 (205.3 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-6.stg4_774 (134.0 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-7.stg4_774 (52.9 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-8.stg4_774 (49.5 KiB)
          • GoodEnd01-9.stg4_774 (66.6 KiB)
        • Gulf side of Void
          • Gulf side of Void01-1.stg4_774 (194.4 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void01-1B.stg4_774 (155.7 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void01-2.stg4_774 (122.1 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void02-1.stg4_774 (746.8 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void02A-2.stg4_774 (76.5 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void02B-2.stg4_774 (749.7 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void03-1.stg4_774 (997.4 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void03-2.stg4_774 (1.5 MiB)
          • Gulf side of Void04-1.stg4_774 (359.4 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void04-2.stg4_774 (426.8 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void05-1.stg4_774 (602.7 KiB)
          • Gulf side of Void05B-2.stg4_774 (342.8 KiB)
          • Gulf side of VoidBoss-1.stg4_774 (269.4 KiB)
          • Gulf side of VoidBoss-2.stg4_774 (254.6 KiB)
          • Gulf side of VoidBoss-3.stg4_774 (207.0 KiB)
          • Gulf side of VoidBossRape-1.stg4_774 (145.3 KiB)
        • Nauseatly Field
          • Nauseatly Field1-1.stg4_774 (962.0 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field2-1.stg4_774 (399.1 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field2A-1.stg4_774 (103.4 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field2B-1.stg4_774 (865.9 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field3-1.stg4_774 (534.9 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field3B-2.stg4_774 (1.2 MiB)
          • Nauseatly Field4-1.stg4_774 (505.6 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field4L-1.stg4_774 (591.2 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field4R-2.stg4_774 (810.3 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field5-1.stg4_774 (145.9 KiB)
          • Nauseatly Field5-2.stg4_774 (1.5 MiB)
          • Nauseatly FieldBOSS-1.stg4_774 (162.9 KiB)
          • Nauseatly FieldBOSS-2.stg4_774 (806.6 KiB)
          • Nauseatly FieldBOSS-3.stg4_774 (245.5 KiB)
          • Nauseatly FieldBossRape.stg4_774 (68.0 KiB)
          • Nauseatly FieldMbossRape.stg4_774 (63.7 KiB)
        • Sanctuary
          • Sunctuary1-1.stg4_774 (241.1 KiB)
          • Sunctuary2-1.stg4_774 (280.9 KiB)
          • Sunctuary2-2.stg4_774 (300.6 KiB)
          • Sunctuary3-1.stg4_774 (219.2 KiB)
          • Sunctuary4-1.stg4_774 (277.7 KiB)
          • SunctuaryBOSS-1.stg4_774 (90.0 KiB)
          • SunctuaryBOSS-2.stg4_774 (573.5 KiB)
          • SunctuaryBOSSRape-2.stg4_774 (63.8 KiB)
        • Unknown from Unknown
          • Final_Boss_01-1.stg4_774 (145.5 KiB)
          • Final_Boss_01-3.stg4_774 (205.7 KiB)
          • Final_Boss_01Event-2.stg4_774 (72.9 KiB)
          • Final_Boss_02-5.stg4_774 (198.3 KiB)
          • Final_Boss_02-6.stg4_774 (58.3 KiB)
          • Final_Boss_02Event-1.stg4_774 (48.8 KiB)
          • Final_Boss_Rape-8.stg4_774 (43.9 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown1-1.stg4_774 (980.2 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown2-1.stg4_774 (581.2 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown3-1.stg4_774 (391.7 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown3-2.stg4_774 (809.8 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown4-1.stg4_774 (330.4 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown4-2.stg4_774 (365.4 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown5-1.stg4_774 (301.9 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown6-1.stg4_774 (449.7 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown6-2.stg4_774 (264.1 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown7-1.stg4_774 (136.1 KiB)
          • Unknown from Unknown7-2.stg4_774 (958.2 KiB)
        • old_ver
        • omake
          • Password-2.stg4_774 (47.4 KiB)
          • monster-4.stg4_774 (95.0 KiB)
          • omake-1.stg4_774 (46.5 KiB)
          • story-3.stg4_774 (63.3 KiB)
        • Default.stg4_461 (9.2 KiB)
        • c01-1.stg4_461 (12.8 KiB)
        • c01-2.stg4_461 (13.6 KiB)
        • test.stg4_774 (127.6 KiB)
        • testtest.stg4_774 (152.0 KiB)
        • 適当.stg4_774 (916.2 KiB)
      • work
      • CommonPalette.cplt4 (930.9 KiB)
      • GValInfo.dat (14.4 KiB)
      • PrjOption.dat (556 Bytes)
      • System.dat (2.2 KiB)
      • WorldMap.dat (29.6 KiB)
    • wave
      • On-Jin~音人~
        • #ani_fa_kaibutu_b01.wav (419.3 KiB)
        • #fire5.wav (573.6 KiB)
        • #hito_ge_aru_nukaru01.wav (392.0 KiB)
        • #sen_ge_hasai01.wav (349.5 KiB)
        • ani_fa_kaityou02.wav (567.0 KiB)
        • ani_ge_dog_ikaku01.wav (567.0 KiB)
        • hito_ge_goku02.wav (283.5 KiB)
        • sen_ge_bom01.wav (355.5 KiB)
        • sen_ge_kijuu_kamae02.wav (175.5 KiB)
        • spo_ge_zabun01.wav (247.5 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (909 Bytes)
        • #koukabm3.wav (83.2 KiB)
        • koukabg9.wav (20.6 KiB)
        • koukabm22.wav (115.0 KiB)
        • koukabm3.wav (104.3 KiB)
        • koukacv1.wav (10.7 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (1.1 KiB)
      • エロゲ用効果音集
        • 03ゴックン.wav (68.0 KiB)
        • 24メガマラフェラ.wav (460.3 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (936 Bytes)
      • ザ・マッチメイカァズ
        • #bom10.wav (80.5 KiB)
        • #mizu07.wav (71.0 KiB)
        • #neji00.wav (95.1 KiB)
        • #power00.wav (13.5 KiB)
        • #puu24.wav (10.7 KiB)
        • #unari00.wav (193.8 KiB)
        • #voice008.wav (29.1 KiB)
        • #voice012.wav (237.0 KiB)
        • crash19.wav (16.0 KiB)
        • eat05.wav (41.5 KiB)
        • freeze02.wav (26.0 KiB)
        • insect03.wav (4.7 KiB)
        • lip02.wav (22.4 KiB)
        • mecha02.wav (12.0 KiB)
        • noise15.wav (26.0 KiB)
        • on07.wav (4.0 KiB)
        • power00.wav (6.8 KiB)
        • puu24.wav (9.3 KiB)
        • swing05.wav (6.7 KiB)
        • swing10.wav (15.4 KiB)
        • swing38.wav (15.3 KiB)
        • warp01.wav (130.9 KiB)
        • water05.wav (288.0 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (1.7 KiB)
      • ユーフルカ
        • #kettei-01.wav (201.0 KiB)
        • battle-start.wav (548.2 KiB)
        • damage02.wav (175.1 KiB)
        • enemy-attack.wav (175.1 KiB)
        • fire-storm.wav (359.1 KiB)
        • kettei-01.wav (458.3 KiB)
        • miss.wav (130.1 KiB)
        • skill.wav (265.0 KiB)
        • teki-syoumetsu.wav (175.1 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (1.2 KiB)
      • 暁鞠子-ぶらっくわーくす
        • #035異種姦B.wav (608.4 KiB)
        • #040強姦B.wav (903.7 KiB)
        • #041強姦B.wav (849.1 KiB)
        • #042強姦B.wav (822.8 KiB)
        • #054陵辱後B.wav (1012.2 KiB)
        • 019髪掴みB.wav (672.1 KiB)
        • 036異種姦B.wav (872.1 KiB)
        • 038太いの挿入(道具)B.wav (1.2 MiB)
        • 044凌辱(挿入)B.wav (300.1 KiB)
        • 045凌辱(挿入)B.wav (352.1 KiB)
        • 046凌辱(挿入)B.wav (256.1 KiB)
        • 047陵辱(挿入)B.wav (234.1 KiB)
        • 051陵辱(膣内射精)B.wav (296.1 KiB)
        • 052陵辱(膣内射精)B.wav (292.1 KiB)
        • 053陵辱(膣内射精)B.wav (324.1 KiB)
        • 064痙攣B.wav (898.1 KiB)
        • 068絶頂B.wav (524.1 KiB)
        • 085攻撃B.wav (158.1 KiB)
        • 086攻撃B.wav (170.1 KiB)
        • 093ダメージ系B.wav (266.1 KiB)
        • 094ダメージ系B.wav (240.1 KiB)
        • 096ダメージ系B.wav (272.1 KiB)
        • 099ゲームオーバー系B.wav (476.1 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (814 Bytes)
      • 風のリュート
        • drink01.wav (27.4 KiB)
        • drink02.wav (78.7 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (1.5 KiB)
      • 魔王魂
        • se_maoudamashii_battle01.wav (114.7 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_battle03.wav (94.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_battle12.wav (47.7 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_battle_gun05.wav (221.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_fire06.wav (515.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_fire07.wav (475.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_fire09.wav (312.3 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_fire10.wav (307.8 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_water02.wav (180.4 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_water06.wav (357.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_element_water14.wav (257.7 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_onepoint16.wav (467.0 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_onepoint17.wav (471.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_onepoint25.wav (136.7 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_onepoint26.wav (122.5 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_onepoint28.wav (167.7 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_onepoint30.wav (609.5 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_se_applause01.wav (640.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_se_drink01.wav (118.6 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_se_fall02.wav (92.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_se_footstep01.wav (117.0 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_se_footstep02.wav (67.6 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_system31.wav (72.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_system47.wav (306.1 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_system49.wav (128.7 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_voice_bird01.wav (275.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_voice_bird02.wav (132.2 KiB)
        • se_maoudamashii_voice_tiger01.wav (438.2 KiB)
        • 製作者.txt (1.5 KiB)
    • アイテム所在
      • アイテム場所.zip (527 Bytes)
      • 解説.txt (100 Bytes)
    • 説明書png
      • 01.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 02.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 03.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 04.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 05.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 06.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 07.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 08.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 09.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 10.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 11.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 12.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 13.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 14.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 15.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 16.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 17.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 18.png (2.6 MiB)
      • 19.png (715.3 KiB)
    • KeyConfig.exe (116.0 KiB)
    • System.ini (9.0 KiB)
    • Vox.dll (240.0 KiB)
    • seinarumonohe.exe (1.5 MiB)
    • フルスクリーンについて.txt (372 Bytes)
    • ボタンまとめ.txt (130 Bytes)
    • 更新履歴.txt (705 Bytes)