[SLG] [OOPARTS] 召喚術師ジェイスの復讐 / The Revenge of Summoner Jace Ver.2017-09-13

2017-11-15 22:02 UTC
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58.9 MiB
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[center]**[SLG] [OOPARTS] 召喚術師ジェイスの復讐 / The Revenge of Summoner Jace Ver.2017-09-13** [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/09/14/59ba0703c7b26.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-59ba0703c7b5e.html) **Information:** **Title / タイトル:** 召喚術師ジェイスの復讐 / The Revenge of Summoner Jace **Brand / ブランド:** OOPARTS **Release / 販売日:** 2017/09/12 **File size / ファイル容量:** 58MB [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/09/14/59ba071183f8d.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-59ba071183fc7.html) [![](http://imgtornado.com/upload/small/2017/09/14/59ba0717b87fb.jpg)](http://imgtornado.com/img-59ba0717b8831.html) [![](http://dimtus.com/upload/small/2017/09/14/59ba071c7655d.jpg)](http://dimtus.com/img-59ba071c7659e.html) [Story] Jace, a summoner who resides in the Kingdom. He is currently, fuming with rage. Having lost his job, the trust of those around him, everyone speaks words of abuse and ridicules him as a good for nothing, useless nincompoop. Towards his skill, the art of summoning, they say "What's the use of calling Goblins and Slimes?" "You yourself aren't doing anything at all" "More like, it's misleading, you charlatan!" Why can they not understand? Why do they not recognize my skill? Why, why, WHYYY...!? It was at that time... that he summoned an ancient and feared God...!! "Ex Machina" ...and having gained the ability to top time as the result of doing so, he vows to get revenge on those... Those fools, those bitches, those who scorned and abused his summoning prowess and he himself...!! [Contents] The amount of time that time can be stopped is replenished by having sex with Machina. Use the replenished time to perform various acts on the characters of your choice!! When time starts to flow once more, the built up pleasure will flow mercilessly throughout the characters body!! Humiliate them! Make them twitch and twist, screaming in pleasure before a public audience!! * Time Stopping Actions are all Pixel Animation. [spoiler=作品内容]●ストーリー  王国に住む召喚術師『ジェイス』。  彼は今、憤っていた。  職を失くし、信用を失くし、周囲の全てが彼を役立たずと罵る。  彼が絶対的な自信を持つ召喚術を『ゴブリンやスライムを喚び出してどうする?』、『お前自身は  何もしてない』、『つか紛らわしい』等と貶める。  何故理解出来ないのか? 何故認めようとしないのか? 何故、何故、何故…!  そんな時、偶然にも彼は古代に恐れられた時の神『エクスマキナ』を喚び出してしまう…!!  マキナの力を借りて時間を止められる様になった彼は復讐を誓う。  彼が扱う召喚術を、そして彼自身を認めない者達を恥辱と羞恥に陥れるのだ…!! ●内容  時間停止するための時間をマキナとのHで補充。  補充した時間を使用して対象キャラクターに色々やっちゃおう!!  時間停止を解除すると、全ての快感が対象キャラクターを襲うぞ!!  公衆の面前でビックンビックンさせてやるのだ!! ●時間停止時のアクションは全てドットアニメ。[/spoiler][/center]

File list

  • [SLG] [OOPARTS] The Revenge of Summoner Jace Ver.2017-09-13
    • 操作説明
      • 01.png (214.2 KiB)
      • 02.png (354.3 KiB)
      • 03.png (572.8 KiB)
      • 04.png (509.6 KiB)
      • 05.png (542.3 KiB)
      • 06.png (263.3 KiB)
      • 07.png (314.2 KiB)
      • 08.png (324.2 KiB)
      • 09.png (213.5 KiB)
    • Config.exe (168.0 KiB)
    • Data.wolf (51.8 MiB)
    • Game.exe (3.5 MiB)
    • GuruguruSMF4.dll (144.0 KiB)
    • はじめにお読み下さい.txt (2.1 KiB)