奉課後輪姦中毒 Ver.1.0.1 <英語無修正版/English Uncensored>
ブランド / Brand: みこにそみ
発売日 / Release Date: 2016/12/02
ファイルサイズ / File Size: 2.94GB
Use RAR 5.0 archive format, WinRAR 5.x or 7-zip requested.
紹介ページ / Information: http://miconisomi.xii.jp/rinkan
紹介ページ / Information: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ189924
紹介ページ / Information: http://bbs.mikocon.com/thread-27661-1-1.html │ bishoujo
Comments - 4
well it isnt really english i mean, the menu and the options are in english but the conversation text isnt.
or is it supposed to be like this?
maybe this is just unofficial english patch. at information link is japanese and version 1.0.2 already come out but this torrent is 1.0.1
agree still no clue when or where we can get v. 1.0.2…
There is English story translation for ver 1.02.