**Translation:** Tennouji (I'm gonna burn from doing these Russian dialogues)
**Encode:** Not mine, shareraw I forgot where exactly from but it should be from an anonymous uploader somewhere around Nyaa.
**Subtitles:** English Styled Softsubs
I got some issues about Velka's Russian dialogues. I had no one to help on this, and just tried to translate them myself despite knowing nothing besides "harasho" before. I most likely got wrong on the lines, so I'd appreciate it if you have some knowledge on Russian language and can correct me.

File list
[SakuraCircle] Honoo no Haramase Oppai Ero Appli Gakuen - 01 (DVD 720x480 h264 AAC) [E52A8ED4].mkv (151.2 MiB)
I know russian natively but still can't make sense of what she says in some places.
"Да (da / yes), привет (privet / hello), хорошо (harasho / good)" - these are good as is.
11:16 - "Здесь приятно (zdes priyatno / feels good here)".
14:37 - "Присвистеть (prisvistet / to whistle)", maybe, although not a correct word form and not much sense in context.
The rest is too garbled. Maybe there is a word people call the russian counterpart of "engrish"? Rush'n'kana or something.
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