![Grandaughter 1](http://i.imgur.com/WOimt.jpg "Grandaughter 1")
![Grandaughter 2](http://img14.imagetwist.com/th/02029/uyx6bqh5vt4b.jpg "Grandaughter 2")
Creator: Yosino
Info: N/A [no longer released]
Release Date: 08/22/17
Translated by: TheLaughingMan
Finally finished with the Grandaughter series (Grandaughter 1 + 2 or A + B...however you want to name it). Quite a bit to translate in this one. I took some liberties, but stayed true to the story and actual dialog.
I know there are English versions out there already, but I found them to be sub-par and wanted to try my hand at it. Enjoy!
Stay tuned for more Yosino releases!
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