[VN] 麗佳Final ~獣悦の記憶~ / Reika Final ~Kemonoetsu no Kioku~ + Crack (Drei)

2017-08-10 22:10 UTC
No information.
File size:
1.7 GiB
Info hash:
[![](https://www.pixsense.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Reika.jpg)](https://www.pixsense.net/site/v/2591559#1069&2591559) [![](https://www.pixsense.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Reika1.jpg)](https://www.pixsense.net/site/v/2591560#1069&2591560) [![](http://dimtus.com/upload/small/2017/08/10/598cd89c20e4d.jpg)](http://dimtus.com/img-598cd89c20e88.html) [![](http://imgstudio.org/upload/small/2017/08/10/598cd8a4e4b85.jpg)](http://imgstudio.org/img-598cd8a4e4bc4.html) [![](http://damimage.com/upload/small/2017/08/10/598cd8ad75711.jpg)](http://damimage.com/img-598cd8ad7574b.html) [![](http://imageteam.org/upload/small/2017/08/10/598cd8b54e520.jpg)](http://imageteam.org/img-598cd8b54e559.html) [![](http://imagedecode.com/upload/small/2017/08/10/598cd8bc3731e.jpg)](http://imagedecode.com/img-598cd8bc3735c.html) フリーターの 香山涼 はある日、住み込みアルバイトの面接に赴く。 都心の一等地に建つ優雅な洋館。 館の主・安田老人 と面会した香山は、先輩メイド・宮内リナ の指導のもと使用人としての生活を始める。 そして、安田家の令嬢・麗佳 に一目惚れしてしまう。 数週間が過ぎ、屋敷の仕事に慣れた香山は、麗佳の寝室から漏れる奇妙な声を聞く。 好奇心を抑えきれず中を覗いてしまう香山。 そこには、みだらなメスの顔をしてオスを誘う麗佳の姿があった。 衝撃的な光景を目の当たりにした香山。 翌日、後ろめたい気分で麗佳と顔を合わせるが、彼女は何事もなかったかのように振舞う。 キツネにつままれた気分の香山だったが、それ以降も麗佳の奇行を何度も目撃し、 そして麗佳は何事もなかったかのように普段通り振舞う。 しかも、メイドの宮内リナは何が起こっているのか知っているようだ。 「この屋敷は異常な謎が隠されている」 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Freeter Ryoko Kayama goes to an interview for a living part-time job one day. An elegant Western-style building located in the prime location of the city center. Kaiyama who met with the owner of the library, Yasuda Elderly, starts living as an employee under the guidance of Senior Maid Miyauchi Rina. And I fell in love with Yasuda's daughter Reika at first sight. A couple of weeks passed and Koshi accustomed to the work of a mansion hears a strange voice that leaks out of the bedroom of Reika. Kayama who can not keep curiosity and peeps inside. There was a figure of Reika who invited male with a false female face there. Kayama who witnessed a shocking sight. The next day, I will face face to face with Reika in a desperate mood, but she acts as if nothing had happened. Although it was Koshi of the mood fetched by the fox, after that I also witnessed the eroticism of Reika many times, And Reika acts normally as if nothing had happened. Moreover, it seems that Rina Miyauchi knows what is going on. "This mansion has an unusual mystery hidden"

File list

  • Reika Final ~Kemonoetsu no Kioku~
    • BMP
      • 1.bmp (421.9 KiB)
      • 2.bmp (421.9 KiB)
      • 3.bmp (421.9 KiB)
      • 4.bmp (421.9 KiB)
    • bonus
      • countdown.wma (494.3 KiB)
      • fanart_cg01r.jpg (224.5 KiB)
      • fanart_cg02.jpg (100.6 KiB)
      • reikaf_mona_before.wma (703.9 KiB)
      • reikaf_uetuki_before.wma (971.8 KiB)
    • crack
      • ReikaF.exe (7.9 MiB)
      • md_scr.med (1.5 MiB)
    • SETUP.exe (769.0 KiB)
    • Setting.exe (667.5 KiB)
    • _CONFIG.MED (4.0 KiB)
    • autorun.inf (27 Bytes)
    • exe.dat (6.0 MiB)
    • install.dat (182 Bytes)
    • launcher.dat (30.1 MiB)
    • md_bgm.med (516.1 MiB)
    • md_cv.med (358.9 MiB)
    • md_gra.med (727.8 MiB)
    • md_gra2.med (38.1 MiB)
    • md_gra3.med (28.3 MiB)
    • md_se.med (18.0 MiB)
    • readme.txt (6.4 KiB)
    • uninst.dat (502.5 KiB)
    • 麗佳Final操作説明書.pdf (2.4 MiB)