Yeah, me too. I dont know why they dont make torrents, but this guy that is uploading can make a blog/site and upload a lot of games in torrent format.
Why you don’t make that uploader?
I’ve had some troubles for windows 8 and it says “for windows 8 user,you can’t save data because write permission is not owned by your account.” how do i solve it? :(
The way to get the game to work is to delete the “userdata” folder.
It has files made for a computer other than your own.
It will ask to create a folder - say yes - then you are good to go!!
@RandomGuy969 That’s obvious because it’s a fandisc containing only the 4 main girls after stories and short stories to the other girls, the only thing it does include is the common route for those who want to refresh their memory.
You should know what you’re getting into when you read the games page it’s not going to contain the routes from the main game that would be pointless.
Comments - 20
thanks man
It doesn’t make any sense why erogedownload won’t choose to also upload their stuff on torrent…
Also would be awesome if you could upload WagaHigh
Yeah, me too. I dont know why they dont make torrents, but this guy that is uploading can make a blog/site and upload a lot of games in torrent format.
Why you don’t make that uploader?
I’ve had some troubles for windows 8 and it says “for windows 8 user,you can’t save data because write permission is not owned by your account.” how do i solve it? :(
Thanks !!
Thank you my anonymous friend :D
Thanks a lot for this game :D
I have the same problem than MrPixle but on Win7 64 bit, and tried Twistty fixes but didn’t work. Is there a VN Compatibility Patch for Win7 ?
Thanks for the game. When I try to run the game it says it cannot open the PewHapiness.system.dat.
Same here along with BakArcangel.
It’s still the same, it says it cannot open the PewHapiness.system.dat. The same with crazer
The way to get the game to work is to delete the “userdata” folder.
It has files made for a computer other than your own.
It will ask to create a folder - say yes - then you are good to go!!
Common problem with Windows 8 and 10 64bit systems. Just allows your system to use Win32 instead of WOW64!qsdyXYzB!92Wx7py0oXyvOSzHtfW5PAFvhYy0xR2Cuu3CjLKDQEA
Not needed here but…Handy for some games.
Thank you Twistty !!!
I love you my friend <3
Thanks, Twistty, you’re my hero.
Thanks for upload. Sadly W-Happiness doesn’t include the original 4 main heroines routes though, only their After Stories.
Now I can finally read Konomi’s route. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.
Thanks, sir.
hey guys i got the fix for the compatibility issue thing
@RandomGuy969 That’s obvious because it’s a fandisc containing only the 4 main girls after stories and short stories to the other girls, the only thing it does include is the common route for those who want to refresh their memory.
You should know what you’re getting into when you read the games page it’s not going to contain the routes from the main game that would be pointless.