[080529][あかべぇそふとつぅ]G線上の魔王 (English Disk Ver. + 汉化硬盘版 + ONS汉化版 + O.S.T.)

2013-02-27 16:54 UTC
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password:黙示 Synopsis: "You play the role of Azai Kyosuke, the son of a legendary gangster infamous in the underworld. You spend your time listening to Bach, playing God at school and covertly working for your stepfather, a ruthless financial heavyweight. This idyllic existence is broken when two individuals appear in the city - a beautiful girl named Usami Haru, with hair you could get lost in for days, and a powerful international gangster known only as Maou. Almost without delay, the two begin a deadly cat-and-mouse game, bringing you and your friends into the crossfire. Plotting, political intrigue and layer upon layer of interlocking traps are the weapons in this epic battle of wits." "If you want a bitch to do what you want, you have to eat her up." - Gonzou "Mmm... how tragic. It is simply human nature that one cannot avoid hating another." - Kyousuke "I realize it's difficult for you womenfolk to understand this, but the ecstasy of release after forcibly building that gripping tension of unnecessary restraint... it's breathtaking." - Kyousuke "There are kinslaying gods!" - Kyousuke "Someone who seeks salvation through revenge, someone such as yourself who attempts to save his pathetic existence through misdeeds will soon realize the fragility of his own evil!!!" - Gonzou "When a friend does wrong, not saying they're wrong is evil." - Haru 引言: ――赌上性命的、纯爱―― 寒冬。"魔王"在下着鹅毛大雪的大都市中出没。 企图,自然,是人类社会的崩坏。 主人公・浅井京介,一面在学校上学,一面帮养父做生意,周转着惊人的大笔资金。受傲岸的养父影响,他毫无保留地发挥了全部的才能,一跃而成为有名企业的头脑。可是,平日里他只是个爱好古典的诙谐爽朗的青年。身边有同学椿姫和义妹花音、以及好友栄一的陪伴,过者快活的学校生活。 京介平凡的日常生活中,危机到来了。花音参加的全国花样滑冰大赛收到要挟,椿姫被迫要离开一直守护着的家庭。学校被秘之集团盯上,市内的孩子们不断地陆续失踪。这一系列事件,全部都是盘踞在地下都市的"魔王"所为。 就在此时,一位少女从京介的乡下来访。 少女针对神出鬼没的"魔王",利用头脑打起了心理战。 有着柔顺长发的美少女、宇佐美ハル。她,正是在京介那不愿被提起的少年时代,一同战斗的"勇者"。 相隔十年的再会―― 如今,赌上了性命的纯爱剧正在上演――

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