Adventures of Tara 0.5

2017-03-26 09:01 UTC
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94.3 MiB
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screens [![Image](]( [![Image](]( [![Image](]( [![Image](]( You play as Tara, an elf going to a boarding school of magic. After getting in trouble with the teachers a fellow student gets a chance to Blackmail you into sexual activities. You will also get involved with other students, teachers and the headmaster of the school. Includes lesbian sex, blowjobs, vaginal sex and beastiality. No anal so far at least. From the site: The Story Tara is an elven schoolgirl attending her final year at a university learning different types of magic and interacting with the other students and teachers. She is quite skilled in magic but her personality is, well, a little abrasive. Alright, alright, she is a total bitch! However, I have a very strong feeling that some events will happen in the near future to begin creating an attitude adjustment in the way that Tara treats others and this will in turn have an impact on how everyone acts towards her. My patrons have voted to have the Sinius (trainer route) explored first, so I am now working on expanding the story to explore how Tara will be trained to obey by another student who is blackmailing her. Whether she becomes a willing sex slave who has fallen prey to her sensual desires, or continues to struggle to remain as pure as possible, will be entirely up to you! Should you support me? I'm going to eventually give the completed game away for free so there is no need to pledge anything in order to get the game when it is done. However, if you would like to be a part of the creative process, participate in polls to determine future development, as well as receive early access to the content as it is created, then please do support me with whatever pledge is comfortable for you. 1\. Letting me know via a pledge that you appreciate my work is a major incentive to me and will act as motivation to continue working as hard as I can to create an interesting story and erotic artwork. 2\. Those who pledge will have direct input into what I create and where the story goes. While I have some particular scenarios already planned I will absolutely make this game what my Patrons would like it to be. 3\. Some of the goals I have will directly impact how quickly I can make new content and if I reach a particular amount I will commit to working on this project full time. 4\. Patrons at a certain level of support will get early access to the latest content as I create it as well as custom created scenes by request. Original Demo was released on 1/15 Extended Demo released on 1/29 Updated version v0.01.d3 released on 2/19 Version v0.02.d4 released on 3/9 Version v0.03.D5 released on 3/26 Version v0.04.D6 released on 4/20 Version v0.05.D7 released on 5/10 I am enjoying this creative process and I find myself spending an ungodly amount of time trying to get things just right, so if you are willing to support me at any level I will appreciate it greatly!

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