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=== Custom Reido V / カスタムレイドV ===
Custom Reido V+ is the final iteration for 2d slave trainer from KISS. Be a chairman in a school, abduct teachers and students and train as sex slaves, offer them for VIP requests for money, recruit more slaves and sell them later.
MD5: eff0c92976fa2434a9c6d30d2c3cb0dd
== Screenshots ==
== Uploader notes ==
This torrent features a packed pre-installed game for ease, included with a registry fix that is entirely optional. Its also patched with the partial UI translation, most of the game is still in japanese, recommended a machine translation tool. The game is patched fully with all dlc found.
Enjoy & Seed
== How to Install ==
== Links ==
Game links:
Official developer site
VNDB page
HongFire thread and information
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