Um…I do remember when I repost this game from darkeagle at Hongfire in 2009, thread views increase like crazy, ~100000 within 3 day from release date, so I guess this is popular one at that moment ^_^
Good for you Yume-nyaa-chan, I just random see it on Share not long ago after you send request to me ! :D
Happy ( belated ) New Year to all of you guys ! ^_^
*Minna-sama, Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu, kotoshi mo dōzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu~*
Um…Another year is over…Hope this New Year will bring more and more good things to you, your families and friends. Stay safe and keep it up your good works. Also thanks for stick with us for so long ^_^
Once again, my thankful to people who always support me, hope you guys will continue to do so ^_^
Last, here is a song that it is expressing my feelings and what I want to say ^^ ( My Fair Angel by Studio e・go! OP Song - Thank you for your love by CANDY )
http://filetrip.net/view?O1UxvpLQU1 ( .Mp3 Version )
http://filetrip.net/dl?iYpI7zeQTD ( .Wav Version )
Best regards,
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