This compilation contains three stories previously published before, in addition to two new content. Since the previous stories have already been translated, they are included in the compilation with permission from the editors / typesetters involved. This is the reason why page numbers for the non-L4K pages do not match, but the files are presented in the same order as their original version in the compilation.
Episode.00 - by Life4Kaoru
Onegai! Fire Sisters (Please! Fire Sisters)- by Trinity Translations Team & Team Vanilla
Makasete! Fire Sisters (Leave it to me! Fire Sisters)- by EHcove
Zu~tto! Fire Sisters (Al~ways! Fire Sisters)- by EHcove
Mouichido! Fire Sisters (One more time! Fire Sisters) - by Life4Kaoru
Original full credits are included at the end of the gallery.
Note: The name of the doujins here are named as such because the Araragi sisters, 火憐(Karen) and 月火(Tsukihi) , have the character 火(fire) in their names, hence they are called fire sisters.
episode.00 & Mouichido! Firesisters credits
translator: nandeyanen
cleaner: nandeyanen & LS
Typesetter: LS
Life4Kaoru -
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