Raws from the \[NEETRAWS\] release
Re-encoded FLAC audio to QAAC TVBR 127.
Episode 1 Subtitles:
\[UFW\] (Default)
Episode 2 Subtitles:
\[SubDesu-H\] (Default) - Edited & Restyled
\[JPz Records\] \[Masurenai\] - Slightly Edited & Restyled
The JPz/Masurenai subs are pretty bad they felt like straight-up troll subs but I think the original translation was more accurate (before they ruined the subs). SubDesu-H had lots of errors and required some heavy editing, there was also some missing lines which I added with help from the JPz/Masurenai translation.
PS: I have monthly data caps so please help seed!
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