Title: Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete
Original title: この大空に、翼をひろげて
Length: Long (30 - 50 hours)
Year: Japan 2012-05-25, English Patch 2013-07-15
Developer: Pulltop
Publishers: Pulltop
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Aoi returned to his hometown of Kazegaura where a gentle breeze blows through the streets, having lost his direction in life. On the hill lined with windmills, he met a wheelchair-ridden girl Kotori and watched the gliders overhead in awe. With his childhood friend Ageha in tow, they resurrect the soaring club in order to fulfill a childhood dream: to fly on a glider.
1. No need to install.
2. You have to change locale to Japanese(AppLocale is reported to not working with the game).
3. Notes:
- Restores all sexual content, including censored CGs.
- All censored scenes outside sex scenes were restored to original and translated from scratch.
- Reasonable editing and QC (fixes most Engrish).
- Routes edited. Common route half way.
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