Title: Koisuru Oukoku
Original title: 恋する王国
Genre: RPG
Length: Very long (> 50 hours)
Year: Japan 2001-01-26, English Patch 2006
Developer: Giga
Publishers: Giga
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: BTAxis
In a mythical age, a young man seeks to become an adult. He leaves his farm home to face the frontiers of the kingdom. He comes to a town where one can seek any apprenticeship freely. This is so one can find his own purpose in life, and perhaps his own lover as well. Jobs include: border guard, educator, various magical schools, fisher, and more. With each job there appears to be a respective woman in the same profession to charm. Will the hero be able to find and woo the girl of his choice in time for the town’s festival?
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