Kamidori Alchemy Meister (English Aroduc 1.1 plus tweaks)

2012-11-04 03:08 UTC
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This is Kamidori Alchemy Meister by Eushully, with 2.0 update, all append discs and English translation 1.1 by Seiha Translations, plus a couple modifications. Install isn't required, just unpack and run. Read readme for additional information of interest. Original game website http://www.eukleia.co.jp/eushully/eu012.html Translation website http://games.seiha.org/viewforum.php?f=11 The modifications on that are the following two: \- For unknown reasons, the translation changed the title screen. That change has now been disabled by the renaming of patch/SO005.AGF to .aroduc \- Translation left the battle interface half translated, in a way that some incomplete work in map tile overlays is missing information the japanese version had. The affected tiles have been restored to the original ones. A copy of the translator's version is available in patch/SO009.AGF.aroduc The tools that were used for the original translation are included. They can be found inside KamiModTools/ in the archive. If you find this game interesting and want to learn more about visual novels: http://fuwanovel.org http://vndb.org Consider supporting the game authors by spreading the word and/or buying this work, future works or other merchandise from them.

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Files are available thru the magnet & I confirmed it does work on Windows 10.
After downloading, i tested "age.exe" file on virus total, 0/63 viruses, but in relations are many trojans etc.
dawg, you're retarded. there are no trojans, do you even speak english? great torrent
Is it possible to run the game untranslated?
Just in case someone is struggling to run this on current year hardware+windows10 without resolution and text spacing issues, this is what worked for me: * Run game using NTLEA with default settings (I downloaded mine from github zxyacb/ntlea) * Use Task Manager to kill the program (so you can access video settings) * Run game again and select yes in the popup. In the settings window select: Screen Display -> Fullscreen and Fullscreen -> Virtual, for dropdowns under Virtual select 1st option (fixed aspect ratio) for top dropdown and 2nd (software rendering (makes text much crisper)) for bottom one. * Run game again, then go to Configuration -> Text -> Font Display. There set both fonts to Microsoft UI Gothic (all fonts appear to look the same though, apart from original one which just doesn't work). I did not need to apply any compatibility options on game .exe itself. I did install japanese display language though I don't think that is actually necessary. Also, for some reason it adds u to the start and v to the end of dialog lines, but I can live with that.