White Knight & Dark Servant
(Shiro no Jyuushi to Yami no Jyuusha)
An adult-oriented r\*pe fantasy RPG
\* Summary
The prison of Fort Zabau...
Dark forces led by Esclad clash with the army of Mashan, led by knight Dina
Dina's mission is to rescue her captured princess Orwen.
Esclad is blocking her way, with a nefarious plan for her and the army of women...
\* H event scenes
Scenes are triggered by battle victory, varying by area and who was defeated.
They play out in a hybrid manga x novel style.
You can adjust settings for for automatic text or toggle frame display, etc.
Reminisce/replay system included.
Situations are mostly assault, aphrodisiac.
\* Game system
Enemies are marked on the overworld map (symbol encounter)
Battles are command-based (trilemma style / balance of 3 options)
\* Notes
Requires RPG TKool VX Ace RTP (free).
[![Image](http://imgtiger.me/i/00031/ywtocnbawrm5_t.jpg)](http://imgtiger.org/ywtocnbawrm5/RJ150479_img_main.jpg) [![Image](http://imgtiger.me/i/00031/km9k2v4zdhrf_t.jpg)](http://imgtiger.org/km9k2v4zdhrf/RJ150479_img_smp1.jpg) [![Image](http://imgtiger.me/i/00031/ztqj0vzywqkx_t.jpg)](http://imgtiger.org/ztqj0vzywqkx/RJ150479_img_smp2.jpg)
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