Title: Anaheim Girl’s Love Story
Original title: アナハイム・ガールズ・ラブストーリー
Year: Japan 2009-12-30, English Patch 2013-02-10
Developer: Fan-na
Publishers: Fan-na
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Oppai-Missile
A girls’ love story between two Anaheim Electronics engineers.
It also chronicles the development and construction of the fourth unit in the Gundam Development Project (GP-04 Gerbera), and its subsequent alteration into the Gerbera Tetra as seen in the “Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories” anime.
You need to change locale to Japanese.
Mount the .iso image file with DAEMON Tools and install. Do not unmount the image file in order to play. You can also extract the files from the .iso file and play, but you still need to keep the image file mounted.
This is NOT a translation patch, it’s an external translation to be read alongside the game. Do read the instructions in the archive on how to use it.
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