Title: Dustmania Grotesque ~Kaitai Sounyuu Shinsho~
Original title: ダストマニア・グロテスク ~解体挿入新書~
Length: Very short (< 2 hours)
Year: Japan 2009-05-22, English Version 2009-08-31
Developer: Belisama
Publishers: Belisama
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Necrosis
A female scientist is kidnapped by her former collegue, who decides to carry out experiments related to immortality medicine on her.
GURO WARNING!!! This game contains more gore than most people can handle. Better read this and know that this is not for you before start complaining. :)
A gentleman at the Hongfire forums translated it ("poorly translated" to quote him). Standalone release.
!No need to install.
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