\[ACT\] \[木陰の泉\] 魔天使サクラの冒険 vol.3 -サクラとパスポートゲート- / \[Kokage no Izumi\] Demon Angel SAKURA vol.3 -The Gate of Passport- Ver1.01 \[JAP/ENG\]
Title / タイトル: 魔天使サクラの冒険 vol.3 -サクラとパスポートゲート-
Brand / ブランド: 木陰の泉
Release / 販売日: 2015/09/15
File size / ファイル容量: 454MB
[](http://imgdrive.co/er5ol5kgl8jv/RJ156613_01.jpg.html) [](http://imgclick.net/767vgknn3aa7/RJ156613_02.jpg.html) [](http://imgtrex.com/yndiopry9lfm/RJ156613_03.jpg) [](http://imgmega.com/r7mtr9v52vxz/aqua_1.png.html)
The third installment of the Demon Angel SAKURA series.
Above and beyond the boss battles - the main focus of the series until now - new features are adopted in this volume; you have variety of stages and 30 species of smaller monsters.
Even if you haven't played the series up until now, you can still enjoy this game by reading the "summary" section.
Enjoy the assaults of giant monster girls in various kinds of erotic scenes, from voracity (vore/prey) to bloodsucking and more. Plus, the debut of new items and shops!
\* Regarding DirectX
Please update to the latest version of DirectX if you encounter display issues.
An issue regarding "character flicker" in scenes with full animation (shop, etc.)
※Direct X について
数件確認されておりますが、DirectX を最新版に更新することで直るようです。
Direct Xは最新版にしてお遊びいただけますよう、お願い致します。
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