Dierks is a perverted adventurer entered a labyrinth known as the Overlord’s forest and was defeated by the overlord himself. But taking pity on him, the overlord kindly recruited him as part of this demon army. Given a second chance, Dierks has two goals: to rise in the ranks of the demon army, and to defeat and have sex with those girls who come to attack the overlord.
Description from [omochikaeri.wordpress.com](https://omochikaeri.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/july-2010-eroge-releases/)
If you play translated visual novels in English [---- Visit mofumoe----](http://www.mofumoe.org/)
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[Translation group and credits here.](http://games.seiha.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1092)
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