[ADV] [ORCSOFT/DWARFSOFT] ましゅまろ☆いもうと☆さっきゅばす☆ / Marshmallow * Imouto * Succubus

2015-07-25 07:50 UTC
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\[ADV\] \[ORCSOFT/DWARFSOFT\] ましゅまろ☆いもうと☆さっきゅばす☆ / Marshmallow \* Imouto \* Succubus [![Image](http://img152.imagetwist.com/th/09134/i2knv2kqjbvc.jpg)](http://imagetwist.com/i2knv2kqjbvc/RJ158166.jpg.html) Information: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product\_id/RJ158166 Title / タイトル: ましゅまろ☆いもうと☆さっきゅばす☆ / Marshmallow \* Imouto \* Succubus Brand / ブランド: ORCSOFT/DWARFSOFT Release / 販売日: 2015/07/24 File size / ファイル容量: 802MB [![Image](http://img152.imagetwist.com/th/09134/h1k5lbatn4tn.jpg)](http://imagetwist.com/h1k5lbatn4tn/RJ158166_01.jpg.html) [![Image](http://img237.imgclick.net/i/00584/m5vpwg3lh6qo_t.jpg)](http://imgclick.net/m5vpwg3lh6qo/RJ158166_02.jpg.html) [![Image](http://raptor.imgtrex.com/i/00751/y1qu9y76k2qk_t.jpg)](http://imgtrex.com/y1qu9y76k2qk/RJ158166_03.jpg) [![Image](http://imgdrive.co/i/00019/h80mq08zelpj_t.jpg)](http://imgdrive.co/h80mq08zelpj/RJ158166_04.jpg.html) http://www.orcsoft.jp/drf001/index.html Presenting the debut product of DWARFSOFT, "brother" brand to ORCSOFT; a sexy, curvy, bazonga titty little sister consensual sex ADV novel!! Keisuke Tsukikawa had a wet dream about his little sister. Saki was still very naive, so much that she thought babies were made by kissing. In the dream, Saki was very unlike herself. She was experienced, seductive, visiting his bedside and intently removing his pants to expose his raging erection. Her fingers went up and down his shaft gently at first, the she tightened her grip, pumping her fist on his hardness. When he at last clenched and released, spewing an arc of jism, her mouth was expertly positioned to catch it all. She swallowed. Keisuke lay paralyzed on the bed. He felt awake, and ashamed. It was that sort of dream, so vividly graphic that he thought it could be real. The next morning Saki greeted Keusike in her usual way. Yes, it was just a dream. What a relief. Keisuke learned that his father was home for the first time in a while. His father was a folklorist, like a cultural researcher. The timing was not a coincidence. His father explained that inside Yuki lurked a demon -- a succubus. No... ... in fact it was more like Yuki's true nature was a succubus, but she didn't know. Keisuke's father imparted this secret knowledge only to Keisuke. Beware the succubus, for once she tastes the seed of her prey, she desires it uncontrollably. When she transforms in the moonlight, she makes her seduction! Keisuke loves his tender, simple little sister. But now, he's also tempted by the vixen. Keisuke faces a dilemma: which version of Saki will he be with? The choice is yours as the player. http://www.orcsoft.jp/drf001/index.html ORCSOFT兄弟ブランド『DWARFSOFT』作品第一弾はむちむち爆乳妹濃厚甘甘ドスケベ和姦モノ!! 民俗学者の父を持つ主人公・月川佳佑は、ある晩奇妙な夢を見る。 キスで赤ちゃんが出来ると信じているのではないかというくらい純真な妹・月川紗紀が、夜這いをかけてくる夢だ。 おっとりふわふわした天然の妹が、いつもとは違ういやらしい眼差しで自分の瞳を覗き込み、なぜかベッドの上で金縛りにあったように身動きが出来ない兄のズボンをずり下し、恥ずかしくなってしまうくらいに腫れて膨らんだチ○ポに指を絡みつかせ、滑らかな手つきでシゴき、おまけにぷっくりとした唇で挟んで咥えて吸い上げて、蕩けるような射精を味わわせ、精液を飲み干してしまう、そんな夢。翌朝、自己嫌悪にひたる兄を前にして妹はあまりにもいつも通りで、それでようやく昨夜のことは夢だったんだと、そう安心できるくらいの生々しさを伴っていた──夢。 そう。あれは夢だったんだと、必死にそう思い込んでいた佳祐に、久方ぶりに家へと戻った父親が明かす。 紗紀のなかには淫魔──サキュバスが宿っている。いや、紗紀の本性、本来の姿こそが淫魔であると。 紗紀本人が知らない事実を、こっそりと佳祐にだけ打ち明ける父。こうしているあいだにも紗紀の本性は徐々に発露していて、そしてどうにもサキュバスの本性を抑えきれない日が──男の精液を摂取したくてしたくて堪らなくなってサキュバスの人格が表に出てくる夜が、月齢によって訪れるのだ! おっとり天然ふわふわな紗紀を愛するのか、それとも天真爛漫小悪魔スケベなサキを愛するのか。 紗紀に愛されてやまないお兄ちゃん──つまりあなたは、果たしてどちらの紗紀/サキを選ぶのでしょう?

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