Title: Shoujo Settai
Original title: 娼女接待
Year: Japan 2003-10-17, English Version 2004-06-07
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Developer: Ignition
Publishers: G-Collections
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
I'm Yujiro, an average student at an average private school. On the surface, our school is a reputable one, with some of the smartest students in all of Tokyo. I've recently learned a secret though: the girls who win the annual Miss Twilight beauty pageant are secretly being trained as sex slaves to be sent out to service VIP members of society. The dream of every girl at our school is to be chosen as Miss Twilight: she's beautiful, charming, and liked by everyone, but the three lovely contestants for the title this year have no idea what awaits them if they should win. Now that I know the secret of the Slave Pageant, I can't just leave things well enough alone. After stripping the student council president of his authority, I decided to train the lovely girls myself...
1. Mount CD1 with Daemon Tools.
2. Install the game .
3. When asked, mount CD2 and finish the install.
! Do not unmount CD2.
System Requirements:
800 MB hard drive, 32 MB Memory, Pentium II or higher processor recommended, DirectX compatible graphics and sound card.
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