(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第01巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第02巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第03巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第04巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第05巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第06巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第07巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第08巻
(一般コミック) [土塚理弘×五十嵐あぐり] BAMBOO BLADE 第09巻
I’d like to create some torrents in my collections.
but, WTF is the trackers? I’ve just copied some trackers from another torrents but am not sure this will work.
If this works well, I’ll be able to make some more torrents.
plus, my network cable sucks so I can access only one node. I hope you’re reaaaaaaaly lucky. sorry for that.
If anybody with good network could aproach to this torrent, download and seed it please!
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