[ADV] [欲望の塔] せめて責められ四十八手 / [Yokubounotou] Is blamed at least; the forty-eight techniques of winning in sumo

2014-12-12 23:41 UTC
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\[ADV\] \[欲望の塔\] せめて責められ四十八手 / \[Yokubounotou\] Is blamed at least; the forty-eight techniques of winning in sumo [![Image](http://imgmega.com/i/00046/iqs5r8mybejy_t.jpg)](http://imgmega.com/iqs5r8mybejy/RJ139888.jpg.html) Information: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product\_id/RJ139888.html Title: せめて責められ四十八手 / Is blamed at least; the forty-eight techniques of winning in sumo Brand: 欲望の塔 / Yokubounotou Release: 2014/12/08 File size: 467MB [![Image](http://imgmega.com/i/00046/j3lgdih30ucj_t.jpg)](http://imgmega.com/j3lgdih30ucj/RJ139888_01.jpg.html) [![Image](http://s2.imgmaster.net/upload/small/2014/12/13/548b76583a520.jpg)](http://imgmaster.net/img-548b76583a557.html) [![Image](http://imgcash.co/t/2/W3fMrBA.jpg)](http://imgcash.co/j7cVMH5) [![Image](http://s11.imgserve.net/images/small/2014/12/12/548b7758e15d7.jpg)](http://imgserve.net/img-548b7758e1615.html) \[story\] Chief character Wataru is doing a treasure hunt for pocket money income, and meet a ghost of the ukiyoe artist probation that died an unexpected death in a storehouse. Help to complete pornography not finished to let ghost, Kano Koyuki of the So die drawing is asked for. Were chief characters declining it rigidly at first, but change its mind to hear supernatural power given from a ghost, an achievement condition. Wataru given supernatural power has the ability that Sex is made with the girls who liked it in its hand, but all the girls who became a target become lewd. Do longed-for Idol, a childhood friend, rori of the younger person, a teacher of gentle Senior in Toriko, and Wataru be full of the forty-eight techniques of winning in sumo, and may arrive at a move of God in there? A chief character with supernatural power with Girls as Toriko associates with them, and the Koto completing a sketchbook "Enormous Tits caricature" in spring of the illusion is a purpose in the Koto which reproduces the forty-eight techniques of winning in sumo while tasting the mystery of the woman's body. ※The basic CG sends it by the large volume more than 50 pieces this time! \[collecting physique (forty-eight techniques of winning in sumo) introduction\] 1 'putting in a bid love' 2 'raft Chausu' 3 'water trickling from between the rocks' 4 'will-involved' Chidori 'which I close it, and 5' includes 6 'inferiority wisteria' 'that 7' wild geese are fired 8 'kotatsu passing away' Give 9 'reveals another stroke;' 10 '\*honshu' 11 'inner frame' 12 'texture Chausu' 13 'Shigure Chausu' 14 'lion dance' 15 'nest basket forest' 16 'stands; Kanae' Take 17 'drawn up knees;' 18 'stands; flower-shaped rhombus crest' 19 'cord cliff' 20 'Treasure Ship' 21 'curve Kannon' After 22 'oar' After 23 'rozuke' 24 'ship entering port expert skill' 25 'wickerwork expert skill' 26 'squeeze cotton rose' 27 'alette guardian deity of children' Lift 28 ';' 29 'Daruma ebb' 30 'Tsubame ebb' Music 'of 31' Chidori 32 'Chidori' 33 'killing piece credit' 34 'flower Aoi torture' Bridge 'of 35' rainbows 36 'stealing residence Chausu' Surpass 37 'Hiyodori;' 38 'Naruto' 39 'white light brocade' 40 'double-comma crest' Destroy 41 'Matsuba;' 42 'Hon Chausu' Moon 'of 43' windows 44 eight folds of 'Tsubaki' 45 'flute' 46 'horseback archery' 47 'right and wrong-free' 48 'one of the sumo techniques' ※In addition, be how old, or collect it \[character introduction\] ・Kano Koyuki (Koyuki Kano) ghost. Be restricted for the feeling of regrets. One day be found to a chief character, and write again. Granted supernatural power to Wataru, but did not predict it to the Koto which a target woman made Horny ・Know a chief character from ear (akamineakiho) old days in Akamine autumn. Big Tits Bijin. Do a school doctor of the Campus. A Cosplay enthusiast. Always of the Nurse make a figure. ・Be childhood friends (blue midsummer) in Qinghai midsummer. ponite Beautiful Girl. Do not seem to send thought to a chief character……. The popularity is high in the Campus in people of steady, too. Do not have a lover. In the first place do not raise it. ・A grassland Chiharu (Chiharu of the Midori) younger person. rori Beautiful Girl. Come to the house of the chief character. The owner of the excellent article. Cry only by having been barked at Inu. Be crybabies with timidity. ・Yokoyama Mizuki (Yokoyama Mizuki) Geneki Idol group position. Be art course position in the Campus. Suddenly approach Wataru in handshake society. Always use Cat Ear habitually. As for the tail of the Cosplay tool, a function is with Vibrator. \[Character Designer, coloring\] ・Look, and chew; a sand watches of the night state ・poyamu ・nozomi ・Kuonitsuki state \[appearance of the voice\] ・Holly depth of winters state ・Bright moon on a frosty night You state ・Sawano popura A logo design: Design alliance state A circle logo: A Mimi state ◆特設サイトはこちら → http://rinrin.saiin.net/~yokubounotou/ss/48te/index.html ※エラー修正パッチの配布などは上記「欲望の塔サイト」で行います。 【ストーリー】 主人公ワタルはお小遣い稼ぎのためにお宝探しをしている最中、土蔵の中で不慮の死を遂げた浮世絵師見習いの幽霊と出会う。 その幽霊・狩野小雪を成仏させるために描きかけの春画を完成させる手助けをお願いされる。 当初は頑なに断る主人公だったが幽霊から与えられた神通力、達成条件などを聞いて心変わりする。 神通力を与えられたワタルは気に入った女の子たちとエッチできる能力を手にするが、対象となった女子はみんな淫乱になってしまう。 憧れのアイドル、幼馴染、年下のロリ、優しい年上の先生を虜にしてワタルは四十八手を極め、その先にある神の一手に辿り着けるのだろうか。 女の子を虜にする神通力を得た主人公が彼女たちと交わり、女体の神秘を味わいながら四十八手を再現することで幻の春画帳『超乳戯画』を完成させることが目的です。 ※今回は基本CGは50枚以上、大ボリュームでお届けします! 【収録体位(四十八手)紹介】 1 "首引き恋慕" 2 "筏茶臼" 3 "石清水" 4 "志がらみ" 5 "〆込み千鳥" 6 "下がり藤" 7 "雁が首" 8 "こたつ隠れ" 9 "抱えどり" 10 "壽本手" 11 "内枠" 12 "織り茶臼" 13 "時雨茶臼" 14 "獅子舞" 15 "巣篭もり" 16 "立ちかなえ" 17 "立て膝とり" 18 "立ち花菱" 19 "襷がけ" 20 "宝船" 21 "反り観音" 22 "後櫓" 23 "後ろづけ" 24 "入り船本手" 25 "網代本手" 26 "しぼり芙蓉" 27 "抱き地蔵" 28 "抱き上げ" 29 "だるま返し" 30 "つばめ返し" 31 "千鳥の曲" 32 "千鳥" 33 "つぶし駒掛け" 34 "花葵責め" 35 "虹の架け橋" 36 "忍び居茶臼" 37 "ひよどり越え" 38 "鳴門" 39 "白光錦" 40 "二つ巴" 41 "松葉くずし" 42 "本茶臼" 43 "窓の月" 44 "八重椿" 45 "横笛" 46 "流鏑馬" 47 "理非知らず" 48 "仏壇返し" ※この他にもいくつか収録します 【登場人物紹介】 ・狩野小雪(かのうこゆき) 幽霊。無念の情で縛られている。ある日主人公に見つけられ再び筆を執る。ワタルに神通力を授けるが、対象の女性が淫乱化することまでは予測してなかった ・赤嶺秋穂(あかみねあきほ) 昔から主人公のことは知っている。巨乳美人。学園の校医をしてる。コスプレ好き。いつもナースの格好をしてる。 ・青海真夏(あおみまなつ) 幼馴染。ポニテ美少女。主人公に想いを寄せているようにも見えないが……。しっかり者で学園では人気も高い。恋人はいない。そもそも募集してない。 ・緑野千春(みどりのちはる) 年下。ロリ美少女。主人公の家には顔を出す。名器の持ち主。犬に吠えられただけで泣いてしまう。臆病で泣き虫。 ・横山美月(よこやまみづき) 現役アイドルグループ所属。学園では芸能科所属。ワタルと握手会で急接近する。いつもネコミミを愛用してる。コスプレ道具のしっぽはバイブ機能付き。 【原画・彩色】 ・みかみ沙更 様 ( http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2797814 ) ・ぽやむ 様 ( http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=104125 ) ・nozomi 様 ( http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=146683 ) ・久遠樹 様 ( http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=22446 ) 【声の出演】 ・柊真冬 様 ( http://hiyokomochi0206.blog.fc2.com/ ) ・霜月優 様 ( http://shimotsukiyuu.blog44.fc2.com/ ) ・沢野ぽぷら 様 ( http://poplartree.blog.fc2.com/ ) ロゴデザイン:意匠同盟 様( http://isho-domei.com/ ) サークルロゴ:あみみ 様( http://mden.sakura.ne.jp/mden/ )

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